Podatkovni centar Križ was created in 2009 and during its development focus was on preparations for the construction of data centers in specific locations (land acquisition, obtaining permits and approvals, etc).
In 2011 Podatkovni centar Križ signed the agreement on strategic investment with domestic investment fund Nexus FGS and made preconditions for the implementation of the first data-center location at Jatrebarsko for early 2012.
Commercial realization of the first data-center at location Jastrebarsko is expected in November 2012., while the data-center at location Križ should be completed by end of year 2013.
Podatkovni centar Križ Ltd has the fundamental objective to create new value for its customers in providing specialized services data centers, not only by building and maintaining high performance and secure data centers but also in the process of managing ICT customer processes and outsourcing ICT services .
Our policy values such as professionalism in management and service delivery, accessibility and quality of service, transparency and participation in the technological development of society and stimulating the economy, our customers will recognize and use them along with us to develop their business.
To be the leading Croatian company specialized in the field of ICT data center services, and become the preferred IT outsourcing partner for disaster recovery and continuity solutions bussines in Croatia and the region.
In everything it does Podatkovni centar Križ Ltd aims to achieve business efficiency, quality and rapid development and continuous increase profitability while simultaneously and continuously create greater added value for their customers. The development of business based on the values Podatkovni centar Križ Ltd. will become the most desirable company to provide specialized services data centers.
In line with the vision and as a fundamental principle of business rules emphasizes its value:
Professionalism in management and service delivery
The company has clear rules for selection and hiring of staff, both in management and in technical and operational part. Our employees are continually working to educate the functions performed in accordance with technological trends. The employees have all the business and technical certifications required for their professional work. Service provision is based on contracting levels of service quality (SLA). For contractual services company clearly fits in the manner customary at such a “rigid” business relationship.
The availability and quality of services
Our services will be available to all potential buyers depending on capacity and in line with our business objectives. Services are publicly announced and updated on our website. Quality customer service will check by comparing the “promised” and delivered services within the SLA contract. All our processes will be certified with all the necessary managerial, technical, industrial and safety standards.
Transparency in business
All activities carried out keep internal processes certified by ISO standards. All our customers have a right to all information on pricing, availability and quality of our services. The company refers to any such revision as to the desired process. To this point, we will encourage and build a system of internal audit and publish our results of operations in a proper and transparent manner. Our partners are always in an equal position with the procedures of offering their products and services.
The technological development of society and stimulating the economy
The company is a leader in technological development in the provision of specialized services and standardized data centers. Our services will surely allow the entire society, reaching the level of development of western European countries in the use of ICT technologies and adhere to new standards. Data centers will be built in the locations where they will bring secure and redundant infrastructure that can be used for community development.
For Civil Service we can be an attractive partner in the process of its reform and consolidation of infrastructure and costs reduce. With the construction of data centers we have created a platform that is a new export product, and it also facilitates and accelerates the distribution of products and services of ICT partner companies in domestic and international markets.
Quality and Environmental Protection Policy
Responsible management and environmental protection for reducing negative environmental impacts are consistently conducted and promoting highest environmental standards.